Princess Ghida Talal Receives Spanish Delegation from the Life Challenge Program “Pelayo Vida Challenge”

By admin, 2 October, 2024

Amman, October 23, 2022 – HRH Princess Ghida Talal, Chairperson of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) and Center (KHCC) received a delegation of Spanish guests from the Life Challenge Program “Pelayo Vida Challenge” (conducted under Spanish royal patronage) at KHCC. The program, hosted by the Jordan Tourism Board, selects five cancer survivors annually to take on challenges all over the world and subsequently broadcasts their adventures on various Spanish television channels. As part of their visit, the delegation toured KHCC and learned about the Center’s services, medical technologies, and its holistic treatment options for cancer patients from across the Arab world. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Arabiyat, Director General of the Jordan Tourism Board, stated, “This challenge will represent women who are still battling cancer, and those who survived it.” He added that the women participating in the program will demonstrate their strength and courage in overcoming cancer and other challenges, and prove their ability to lead normal lives. He also mentioned that choosing Jordan as the host for the challenge in 2022 is an opportunity to shed light on Jordan as a tourist destination and a hub for similar events. The event, which will be held from October 22nd to November 5th, will include cycling, climbing one of Wadi Rum’s mountains, and diving in Aqaba. Participants will be able to enjoy the Red Sea’s majestic beauty, walk through the ancient city of Petra, and enjoy the rapids of Wadi Al Mujib. Upon their return, Queen Letizia of Spain will meet with the cancer survivors to learn about their adventures in Jordan.

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