Our life-saving work is sustained by the generosity of our donor community. Donations to KHCF USA have a direct impact on the well-being of cancer patients in Jordan and the Arab World, with 100% of each donation directed to support the Center and its patients. Your contributions can also be directed towards our pioneering research initiatives, comprehensive community interventions and awareness campaigns. As a 501(c)3 organization, donations to KHCF USA are tax-deductible.
Cancer treatment is extremely costly, and approximately 80 patients – including refugees – with no means of funding or insurance are added to the Center’s waiting list every month. To address their growing needs, KHCF established a humanitarian initiative, the Goodwill Funds, for donors to provide financial support for underserved cancer patients at KHCC.
KHCF’s Goodwill Funds cover:
- Treatment costs for underprivileged cancer patients
- Accommodation costs in hotel apartments close to the Center for patients who live in remote areas and must receive regular treatment.
- Transportation allowances to ensure that patients can attend appointments at KHCC without financial or physical hardships.
- Meal coupons for patients and their companions during visits to the outpatient clinics.
With the mission of restoring hope and saving lives, the Gaza Goodwill Fund at the King Hussein Cancer Foundation is dedicated to ensuring equal access to quality care for all by supporting the urgent healthcare needs of cancer patients from the Gaza Strip. More than 9,000 cancer patients in Gaza are being denied access to essential treatment in the face of a severe humanitarian crisis and the destruction of the Gazan healthcare system. Hospitals are out of service, medical supplies are scarce, and efforts to rebuild cancer treatment services after the conflict will likely take several years.
Ensuring access to cancer care for patients from all walks of life is a core pillar of KHCF’s humanitarian mission, accomplished through the Foundation’s Goodwill Funds. The Goodwill Funds launched in 2003, and since their inception, these funds have provided vital support to thousands of underprivileged cancer patients, including patients from Gaza. These individuals have benefited from critical medical treatments, medications, and various support services, enabling them to navigate their cancer journey despite the challenging circumstances.
The King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center are committed to treating as many cancer patients from Gaza as possible, and we expect to receive 300 Gazan patients annually in the years to come, until Gaza’s health system can be rebuilt.
Your donations will help us saving lives and alleviate suffering of cancer patients from Gaza and their families during this difficult time. Donate to the Gaza Goodwill Fund today and join us as we stand by their side in the face of this humanitarian crisis.
Effective cancer treatments depend on access to specialized medications. How can we witness patients with a potentially curable disease succumb to their illness only as a result of medication shortage?
This is the deadly situation facing many cancer patients in Lebanon, who in far too many cases, are being denied life-saving treatment, due to the extreme economic and financial crisis which has devastated the country’s health sector, especially cancer care.
With your support, saving the lives of Lebanese cancer patients is within reach.
In the aftermath of 2020’s horrific Beirut explosion, you stood by the side of Lebanon’s cancer patients and ensured that their treatment continued uninterrupted. Today, many of these patients still need your help.
Since 2020, you helped us donate over USD 2.63 million in desperately needed medication and supplies to our partners, hospitals and individuals in Lebanon, to ensure the continuous treatment of cancer patients across the country.
Our trusted partners include:
- American University of Beirut Medical Center
- Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon
- Karantina Hospital
- Makassad General Hospital
- My School Pulse
- Ain Wazein Medical Village
- Tripoli Governmental Hospital
- Al Hammoud Hospital
Our campaign to help cancer patients in Lebanon by purchasing and delivering medications to our partner organizations operating there is ongoing, and needs your support.
Every cent donated will have a direct life-saving impact for cancer patients, so we urge you to please give today, whatever amount it may be. All contributions are fully tax deductible in the U.S.
Hundreds of Lebanese cancer patients are counting on us to support them. It is our humanitarian responsibility not to let them down.
Zakat – Islamic charitable giving – is one of the pillars of support for our life-saving work, with all Zakat donations directed toward funding the treatment of underserved patients. Each year during the Holy Month of Ramadan, we embark on an annual campaign, “Your Zakat is My Life”, aiming to raise funds for the patients on our waiting list.
The need is significant – we are faced with a monthly average of 85 patients on KHCC’s waiting lists who rely solely on the generosity of our donors to begin their fight against cancer. In 2024, Zakat donations funded the treatment of 278 patients who would otherwise have had nowhere else to turn.
KHCF received a Fatwa from the General IFTAA’ Department in Jordan (Fatwa No. 2/2006; dated 2/3/2006), by which the Foundation is eligible to receive Zakat donations for the treatment of underserved cancer patients. Donations made to the Zakat Fund are deposited in a separate bank account at the Jordan Islamic Bank, and are spent on medical treatment for Muslim patients within one year of the donation date.
Stand by the side of cancer patients by donating your Zakat today.
Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in Jordan, and in 2007 KHCF established the Jordan Breast Cancer Program (JBCP) to increase the availability, accessibility and usability of quality screening services for all women in Jordan. This mission is achieved through a combination of infrastructure development, human resources and capacity building, and the expansion and accessibility of screening services across Jordan. Since its establishment, late stage (III or IV) diagnosis of breast cancer was cut in half, from 70% to 35% of presenting patients. Donations made to JBCP have a direct and immediate positive impact on the lives of women in Jordan and their families.
Contribute directly to the medical excellence of KHCC through supporting the purchase of much-needed machinery and equipment for the Center. Machinery and equipment donations touch the lives of thousands of patients through every step of their treatment journey and help to enhance KHCC’s medical excellence by providing the best quality and highest capacity care.